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Established from the pleural effusion of a 12-year-old boy with malignant histiocytosis at diagnosis in 1987 (problably anaplastic large cell lymphoma, ALCL); initially established by serial passage in nude mice; cells carry the NPM1-ALK (NPM-ALK) fusion gene
malignant histiocytosis
Recommended Medium
Culture Properties
grows often in clusters in suspension, most cells are polygonal (some cells are round)
Human biclonal, hyperdiploid/hypertriploid, karyotype with 6.7% polyploidy - 47(44-49)<2n>XY, +5, +5, +6, -8, +mar, der(5)t(5;6)(q35;p21), t(5;6)(q35;p21), add(10)(q23-24), der(13)t(1;13)(q32;p11)t(1;13)(q21;q34), add(16)(q23), add(19)(p13), 33% - 74(74-7
Quality Control
Mycoplasma: negative in DAPI, microbiological culture, RNA hybridization, PCR assays
Immunology: CD3 -, CD7 -, CD10 -, CD14 -, CD15 +, CD19 -, CD25 +, CD30 +, CD34 -
Viruses: ELISA: reverse transcriptase negative; PCR: EBV -, HBV -, HCV -, HHV-8 -, HIV -,
Storage and Shipping
Frozen with 70% medium, 20% FBS, 10% DMSO at about 5 x 10^6 cells/ampoule; ship in dry ice; store in liquid nitrogen
Citation Guidance
If you use this products in your scientific publication, it should be cited in the publication as: Creative Bioarray cat no. If your paper has been published, please click here to submit the PubMed ID of your paper to get a coupon.

For research use only. Not for any other purpose.

  • Q & A
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What does FISH mean in multiple myeloma?

Interphase Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH) Multiple myeloma FISH panel aids in stratifying individuals with newly diagnosed multiple myeloma into risk groups for prognosis and selection of therapy. It is also useful in following up on remission or relapse status.

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These cells were well characterized and matched the description given in the instructions.

23 Feb 2023

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