Animal Chromosome Analysis (G-banded) Service

Creative Bioarray provides karyotyping and chromosome analysis for animals, gametes, embryos and stem cells. Chromosomal abnormalities and variations are contributing factors to infertility, reduced fertility, malformations, intersex and fetal death. Creative Bioarray screens animals for these inherited and spontaneously occurring genetic abnormalities that get passed down through generations, hindering production.

We have broad expertise in chromosome analysis for a wide variety of species (human, mouse, rat, pig, sheep, cow, chicken, hamsters, dog, elephant, dolphin, salmon, insect, etc.), and our experience includes analysis of live animals and established adult and embryonic stem cell lines. The chromosome analysis can be customized to your need if you have specific requirements different from or those here. Creative Bioarray offers the animal karyotyping service around the world.

Creative Bioarray has an established track record of chromosome analysis for a variety of domestic and wild species.Figure 1. Creative Bioarray has an established track record of chromosome analysis for a variety of domestic and wild species.

Use Karyotype (G-Banded) analysis to detect:

Creative Bioarray provides you with a broad range of customized research services including:

  • Karyotyping
  • 1/29 translocation test
  • Intersex diagnosis
  • Stem cells and cell lines

Karyotype generated from chicken, bovine, cat and pig cells.Figure 2. Karyotype generated from chicken, bovine, cat and pig cells.

The Service Features:

Creative Bioarray's Animal Chromosome Analysis (G-banded) Service has the following features:

  • Pigs (G-band), Horses (G-band, C-band, FISH), Cattle (G-band), Chicken (Q-banded). Other rare species can be assessed. Creative Bioarray has an established track record of chromosome analysis for a variety of domestic and wild species including chicken, dog, cat, sheep, goat, bison, elephant, dolphin, salmon, insect and muskox.
  • Metaphase nuclei harvest and chromosome count.
  • Chromosomal abnormality quantification.
  • Counting: 30-40 cells, and microscope analysis of 20 metaphase spreads.
  • Standard cytogenetic analysis can be customized to your need.

Quotation and ordering

Our customer service representatives are available 24hr a day! We thank you for choosing Creative Bioarray at your preferred Animal Chromosome Analysis (G-banded) Service.

For research use only. Not for any other purpose.